The results of the program and treatments may, for various reasons, vary from person to person and therefor no one person’s response and/or reaction to the program or services will be identical to that of another. Each party’s own circumstances and physiological and genetic make-up, combined with the level of diligence and discipline exercised by such person, will determine his/her individual results. Weight loss and treatment results and timelines contained in and displayed on this website and the content, images and testimonials contained thereon are used for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute a guarantee or undertaking by Slender Wonder (Pty) Ltd in respect thereof to any party.
Your use and viewing of this website shall be entirely at your own risk. In order to enroll for the program, a person has to be over the age of 18 and by enrolling for the program, a party shall be deemed to have agreed to Slender Wonder (Pty) Limited’s terms and conditions as contained herein and elsewhere. For the enrolment of any person under the age of 18, written consent for parents/legal guardians will be required. Supreme Aesthetics (Pty) Limited is not a medical institution and cannot offer or provide medical advice. The program and services which entail, inter alia, the administration of medication and it is the responsibility of each person enrolling for the program or treatment to confirm with his/her own doctor as to whether he/she can safely use such medication.
Details of the extent of such medication is contained on this website but any further queries in that regard may be addressed to Supreme Aesthetics (Pty) Ltd by email to the following email address: Supreme Aesthetics (Pty) Limited shall not be liable for any losses and/or damages suffered by any person arising from the enrollment on the program or use of the products. In order to enroll for the program, a person has to be over the age of 18.The content of and images displayed on this website is property of Supreme Aesthetics (Pty) Ltd and may not be used, duplicated, copied, distributed or in any other manner dealt with without the written authorization of Supreme Aesthetics (Pty) Limited first having been obtained.